Mummy’s "real" name is Wilma. No one has ever called her that because she arrived with her two itty, bitty kids! She was rescued via Whispering Hearts, from the same terrible farm seizure as Fable.
Mummy started her life at the sanctuary late Spring 2017. She was scrawny, but healthy and nursing her baby girls well.
What a joy to see a mother with her wee babes by her side and to see them raised naturally by her. It makes my heart smile to know that because they have been given sanctuary this little family will stay together!
Mummy will never fully get over her starvation and she rivals the pigs when it comes to food seeking!
She has gotten oven her fear of people and likes treats and pettings. She is confident and full of energy!

Having her twins by her side
Having her beard brushed
Having Winston’s protection
Making a huge mess with her girls
Carrots and pumpkins
Anything edible, really!
Pets from volunteers and guests
When Winston’s being a jerk
Being stuck inside while her kids drive her crazy on ‘snow’ days
Being pulled from the pasture for eating too much
Waiting to be let out of her stall
Wearing her coat